We spend the largest period now in the North of Spain. We traveled through Asturias, Cantabria, Basque country and Navarre, looking most of all for beech woods in autumnal colors, preferably covered in fog.
We encountered the most beautiful forests and interestingly shaped trees,…..
however,….. no fog… at all.
We returned several times to our favorite spots in hope for some fog. Woke up one morning and there was a thick fog hanging over the land, however an hour drive from the place to be. We drove as fast as possible, but when we arrived we found the place in bright sunshine, what a bummer. Another time we arrived later in the evening and all was misty and looked mysterious.
I couldn’t sleep of excitement, but the next morning……again no fog.
And this happened many many times.
As we all probably know:
Weather forecasts are totally unreliable,
but we keep on checking it anyway.
And than you start realizing you’re a bit obsessed, like everything depends on having mist or not. It was diagnosed as a severe form of Fog Fever mixed with a FOMO virus “fear of missing out” Although living as a nomad allows us to stay longer at a certain place, we didn’t return after the 12th time.
It was time to pause and re-evaluate the goal of our trip, which was to wander in wonder, slow down and be without stress.
I could call it bad luck, or see it as an opportunity to get the best out of it, even in less optimal light conditions. It was hardly a choice. We have seen the most characteristic trees and although it would have been ideal seen them covered in fog, I think I ended up with some fairly good images.
Clouds & Haze
So did the fog fever disappear?
Well,.. no!
Now we were hunting for low clouds hanging on the mountain tops and fuzzy valleys.
Occasionally we drove through low hanging clouds which is like mist, but can disappear any second.
I can imagine people have a different idea of me taking pictures, because they only see the dreamy magical and final result. Well the reality is I am not a very pleasant person at the moment I am shooting 🙂 Time is the enemy. I have a love/hate affair with the tripod. Cameras are always too slow. I am also dead serious, totally and only focussed on framing the landscape and therefore loosing filters, lens hoods etc. Fortunately there is my lovely wife who always stays calm and takes care of these things and is by now immune for my temper at those particular moments 🙂
We did much scouting in the area and we knew exactly where to go when we saw the misty valleys. Knowing it can vanish any minute, I felt like a child in a candy store who can shop for only one minute, but having a hard time choosing which one 🙂
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